1/1 • 3/3 • 5/5 • 38/38
5,235 of 5,286 players (99.04%) have 100% this game.
376 Rarity Points Completed!
Learn Katakana!!
Learn Katakana!!
1/1 • 3/3 • 5/5 • 38/38
You have learned them all
You have learned them all
10.42% Uncommon |
You have learned "a"
You have learned "a"
10.48% Uncommon |
You have learned "i"
You have learned "i"
10.48% Uncommon |
You have learned "u"
You have learned "u"
10.46% Uncommon |
You have learned "e"
You have learned "e"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "o"
You have learned "o"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "ka"
You have learned "ka"
10.48% Uncommon |
You have learned "ki"
You have learned "ki"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "ku"
You have learned "ku"
10.48% Uncommon |
You have learned "ke"
You have learned "ke"
10.46% Uncommon |
You have learned "ko"
You have learned "ko"
10.48% Uncommon |
You have learned "sa"
You have learned "sa"
10.48% Uncommon |
You have learned "shi"
You have learned "shi"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "su"
You have learned "su"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "se"
You have learned "se"
10.48% Uncommon |
You have learned "so"
You have learned "so"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "ta"
You have learned "ta"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "chi"
You have learned "chi"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "tsu
You have learned "tsu
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "te"
You have learned "te"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "to"
You have learned "to"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "na"
You have learned "na"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "ni"
You have learned "ni"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "nu"
You have learned "nu"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "ne"
You have learned "ne"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "no"
You have learned "no"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "ha"
You have learned "ha"
10.48% Uncommon |
You have learned "hi"
You have learned "hi"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "fu"
You have learned "fu"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "he"
You have learned "he"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "ho"
You have learned "ho"
10.48% Uncommon |
You have learned "ma"
You have learned "ma"
10.46% Uncommon |
You have learned "mi"
You have learned "mi"
10.48% Uncommon |
You have learned "mu"
You have learned "mu"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "me"
You have learned "me"
10.48% Uncommon |
You have learned "mo"
You have learned "mo"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "ya"
You have learned "ya"
10.48% Uncommon |
You have learned "yu"
You have learned "yu"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "yo"
You have learned "yo"
10.46% Uncommon |
You have learned "ra"
You have learned "ra"
10.48% Uncommon |
You have learned "ri"
You have learned "ri"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "ru"
You have learned "ru"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "re"
You have learned "re"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "ro"
You have learned "ro"
10.47% Uncommon |
You have learned "wa"
You have learned "wa"
10.48% Uncommon |
You have learned "wo"
You have learned "wo"
10.48% Uncommon |
You have learned "n"
You have learned "n"
10.47% Uncommon |