What is PSN 100%?
PSN 100% is a trophy tracking website, focusing on merging game stacks and removing unobtainable trophies to create one list of only unique obtainable trophies so all users have the chance to compete for the same level, without the need to replay the same game multiple times or missed opportunities on trophies that are no longer available for one reason or another. Furthermore PSN 100% only calculates stats from the top 50k players in order to try and be more accurate for those who consider themselves as a trophy hunter. PSN 100% is made by trophy hunters, for trophy hunters.
What isn't PSN 100%?
PSN 100% is not a community for discussion (forum), gaming/boosting sessions or trophy guides. Other sites already handle this with greatness, please use them.
Merge Guideline Priorities
- Available > Delisted
- English language > Other language
- Digital > Physical
- Remaster/Remake > Original
- PS5 > PS4 > PS3 > PSVITA
- Collection/Bundle > Single entry
Scan Log
6070 players were scanned in the last 24 hours, and 11 new players added to the leaderboards this week!
Rank | Updated | User | Level |
2221 (-3) |
686 (-1) |
612 (-5) |
12 (=) |
5126 (-7) |
916 (+1) |
8 (=) |
83 (=) |
79 (+1) |
857 (-2) |
Trophy Leaderboard
The trophy leaderboard uses the official point system:
~ 300 points
~ 90 points
~ 30 points
~ 15 points
These are the requirements for each level:
- 1-100 ~ 60 points (4 bronze trophies)
- 101-200 ~ 90 points (6 bronze trophies)
- 201-300 ~ 450 points (30 bronze trophies)
- 301-400 ~ 900 points (60 bronze trophies)
- 401-500 ~ 1350 points (90 bronze trophies)
- 501-600 ~ 1800 points (120 bronze trophies)
- 601-700 ~ 2250 points (150 bronze trophies)
- 701-800 ~ 2700 points (180 bronze trophies)
- 801-900 ~ 3150 points (210 bronze trophies)
- 901-1000 ~ 3600 points (240 bronze trophies)
- ...and so on, every 100th level increases the level requirement with 450 points.
Rarity Leaderboard
The rarity leaderboard uses the formula 1/x - 1, rounded down
50% (0.5): For every person that has the trophy, 1 person doesn't. 1 point
10% (0.1): For every person that has the trophy, 9 don't. 9 points
5% (0.05): For every person that has the trophy, 19 don't. 19 points
1% (0.01): For every person that has the trophy, 99 don't. 99 points
0.5% (0.005): For every person that has the trophy, 199 don't. 199 points
0.1% (0.001): For every person that has the trophy, 999 don't. 999 points
Thanks to dmland12 for bringing this formula to our attention (source).
Our rarity naming uses the following numbers:
- 0-0.02% ~ Legendary
- 0.03-0.2% ~ Epic
- 0.21-2% ~ Rare
- 2.01-20% ~ Uncommon
- 20.01-100% ~ Common